Leopard Gecko Information - History and Longevity

Raising exotic pets is a popular hobby among many people. One of the safer options for those with children around is the leopard gecko, which also requires minimal maintenance. Here are some important leopard gecko facts to keep in mind if you're interested in raising one.
Leopard geckos belong to the reptile family and are originally from the deserts of Southern Central Asia. They're scientifically known as eublepharis macularius, and their most distinct feature is their eyelids, which are not found in other gecko varieties. The word "eublephar" means "true eyelid," while "macularius" refers to the spots on their skin that give them their leopard-like appearance.
One important fact to remember when caring for leopard geckos is that they have the ability to detach their tail when they feel threatened. This is a defense mechanism that allows them to escape from predators while their detached tail distracts the attacker. However, the new tail that grows in place of the lost one won't be as aesthetically pleasing as the original.
Leopard geckos can live up to 20 years or longer if they are well taken care of, making them a great long-term companion.

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